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No Fault Patient Guide - Manhattan best No Fault Doctors at 14 Street Medical Arts

No Fault Patient Guide - Manhattan best No Fault Doctors at 14 Street Medical Arts

Auto Accidents, Car Accidents, Neurologist Near Me, No-Fault Doctors Near Me, Orthopedic Doctor Near Me, Pain Management Doctors Near Me, Physical Therapy Near Me, MRI Near Me, X-Ray Near Me, CT Near Me, What To Do After Auto Accident

“A-B-C” of No-fault Accident Medical Treatment – Step by Step Patient Guideline - What to do After No Fault Accident?

What Is No-Fault Insurance?

No-fault insurance or personal injury protection (PIP) insurance covers your medical expenses if you had a car accident.  Interestingly, no-fault insurance covers you even if you were found at fault in the car accident. Hence, it’s called no-fault smiley – regardless of the fact if accident was your mistake or not, you are NOT at fault.  Due to nature of an accident, your medical insurance will not cover you.

From the patient perspective, auto accidents are very serious and traumatic both physically and psychologically – long lasting consequences might be discovered right the way or hidden and postponed. Here, in New York City at 14 Street Medical Arts, we are providing ALL necessary medical services under “one roof” in order to achieve clinical success and help your attorney.  Our board-certified neurologists, pain management doctors, orthopedic surgeons, physiatrists, physical therapists will utilize high technology tests and imaging to properly identify your problems, come up with right diagnosis and treatment plans.  We offer four locations - all in Manhattan:

Lower Manhattan:

Address: 332 E 14 Street, New York, NY 10003.  Days and Hours: Monday-Friday (9am-7pm), Sunday (9am-4pm)

Address: 110 W 14 Street, New York, NY 10011.  Days and Hours: Monday-Friday (9am-7pm), Sunday (9am-4pm)

Address: 500 E 14 Street, New York, NY 10009.  Days and Hours: Monday-Friday (9am-7pm), Sunday (9am-4pm)

Upper Manhattan: 

Address: 912 Columbus Ave., New York, NY 10025.  Days and Hours: Monday-Friday (9am-7pm), Sunday (9am-4pm)


Our Board-Certified Specialists

  • Neurology: Neuromuscular and Musculoskeletal
  • Neurology: Electrophysiology
  • Pain Management: Interventional and Exams
  • Orthopedic Surgery: Surgery and Exams
  • Physiatry
  • Chiropractic Medicine
  • Physical Therapy
  • Radiology

Tests, Imaging and Treatments


  • EMG (Electromyogram)
  • EEG (Electroencephalogram)
  • Sudomotor and PVR



  • Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
  • X-ray
  • MRI/MRA (with/without contrast)
  • CT (with/without contrast)



  • Fluoroscopy Guided Epidural Injection and Radiofrequency Ablations
  • Nerve Blocks
  • Ultrasound Guided Injections
  • Physical Therapy

What to Do?

Step 1

  • Right after accident, call us at (212)481-3333 to schedule appointment
  • Find a lawyer who will handle your case


Step 2

Exam.  Exam by pain management or neurology doctor.

Tests and Imaging.  Tests and Imaging done to identify treatment plan: EEG for head injuries/concussions, EMG for body pain (neck, shoulder, hands, back, spine, legs, feet, etc.), X-ray, MRI, CT.

Treatment.  After patient is diagnosed, Physical Therapy and Interventional Pain Management (nerve block, injection, epidural etc.) is conducted.

Orthopedic Consultation.  In case, when Physical Therapy and Interventional Pain Management didn’t help, patient would have visit with Orthopedic Surgeon to consider alternative treatment.


We will provide medical services and bill the following insurance companies:

21st Century, ACCC, Allstate, American Family, Amica, Colonial, Dairyland, Esurance, Farm, Bureau, Farmers, Geico, Hartford, Liberty Mutual, Loya, Nationwide, Progressive, Safe Auto, State Farm, Travelers, USAA, Velox.


We will bill your lawyer during course of your treatment with final payment after your award is granted.



John Sharkey, MD , Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr. John J. Sharkey is a highly trained Board-Certified Orthopedist with over 25 years of experience of diagnosing and...